Hi! My name is Spots! I'm a 25 year old Tennessee Walking/Racking horse cross! My job is to give therapeutic riding lessons to individuals with special needs at Hope Horses! I've been at Hope Horses since 2019! Before I came to Hope I competed in walking/racking shows across Alabama and Tennessee. Some of my favorite things are getting pets, treats, and rolling around in the pasture! I love all my students and I love getting to help them reach their goals! I want to say thank you to all the donors and sponsors that have made my job at Hope Horses a possibility! Because of you, I'm provided with plenty of hay, clean and fresh shavings, and everything I need to be happy and healthy and serve my students the best I can! I also want to say thank you to all of the awesome volunteers that help take care of me every day!
Fun facts about Spots!
Spots is a 23 year old Spotted Tennessee Walker/Racking cross
Spots is 14.3 hands high
Spots is a former show horse in the Tennessee Walker world
Being a gaited horse, Spots gives our students a unique type of movement when they ride. Where most of our other horses have a more forward and back motion in their various gaits, Spots movement is more side to side. This movement in itself offers a smoother ride for our students who may need that extra stability with either walk/halt or walk/trot transitions. Spots is also a very loving guy! He loves each student and does his job very well!